Error Codes

The UTAM compiler generates Java or JavaScript page objects from source JSON page objects. If the compiler encounters an error in a JSON page object, it emits an error code and an error message.

To combine all compilation errors into one report and throw an error at the end, set the interruptCompilerOnError option to false in the compiler configuration file. For information about the compiler configuration options, see:

Here's the list of error codes.

Error Code 7

This property isn't supported. For a list of supported page object properties, see the JSON Grammar.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "testNestedArgs",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "self",
                    "apply": "unknownMethod",
                    "args": [
                            "value": "string",
                            "args": [
                                    "value": "not allowed"

Error message:

error 7: method "testNestedArgs" statement "unknownMethod": property "args" is not supported

Error Code 8

This property isn't supported. The set of supported properties is listed in the error message.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": { "css": "css" },
            "type": "frame",
            "nullable": true

Error message:

error 8: element "test": property "nullable" is not supported, supported are: name, public, selector, type

Error Code 9

A required property is missing.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test"

Error message:

error 9: element "test": property "selector" is required

Error Code 10

This property isn't supported. An alternative property is suggested in the error message.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "description": ""

Error message:

error 10: page object description: property "text" should be a non-empty string, instead found empty

Error Code 11

This array can't contain a member with an empty string.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "name": [1]

Error message:

error 11: profile "name": array member should be a non-empty string, instead found number

Error Code 12

This property must be set to a non-empty array.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": []

Error message:

error 12: method "test": property "args" should be a not empty array

Error Code 13

This object can't be empty.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [true]

Error message:

error 13: method "test": compose statement should be a non-empty object

Error Code 100

The arguments are incorrectly formatted. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "value": true,
                            "type": "string"

Error message:

error 100: method "test" arguments: incorrect argument format

Error Code 101

An unknown element is referenced as an argument. Check that the elementReference in the args array corresponds to a defined element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "value": "argName",
                            "type": "elementReference"

Error message:

error 101: method "test" arguments: unknown element with name "argName" is referenced

Error Code 102

An argument is using an unsupported literal argument type. This example uses a number (1.024) but only integers are supported. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "value": 1.024

Error message:

error 102: method "test" arguments: unsupported literal argument type "1.024"

Error Code 103

An argument is using an unsupported argument type. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "elementReference"

Error message:

error 103: method "test" arguments: unsupported argument type "elementReference"

Error Code 104

A function argument type requires a predicate property and it's missing or incorrectly formatted. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "function"

Error message:

error 104: method "test" arguments: incorrect predicate format

Error Code 105

Literal arguments aren't allowed in this context. Use a name property instead of a value property. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "args": [
                    "value": "string literal"
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root"

Error message:

error 105: method "test" arguments: literal arguments are not allowed

Error Code 106

An argument is using an incorrect elementReference format. See Element Reference.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "value": "myElement",
                            "type": "elementReference",
                            "predicate": []

Error message:

error 106: method "test" arguments: incorrect format of elementReference argument

Error Code 107

A duplicate argument name is defined. Look for duplicate argument names.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "element",
            "selector": {
                "css": "selector %s",
                "returnAll": true,
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
            "filter": {
                "apply": "getAttribute",
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "stringContains",
                    "args": [
                            "name": "arg1",
                            "type": "string"

Error message:

error 107: element "element" arguments: argument with name "arg1" is already declared

Error Code 108

There's a mismatch in the expected number of arguments.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "selector",
                "returnAll": true
            "type": "my/page/object",
            "filter": {
                "apply": "getText",
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "isTrue",
                    "args": [
                            "name": "arg",
                            "type": "string"

Error message:

error 108: element "test" filter matcher arguments: expected number of arguments is 0, found 1

Error Code 109

An argument has an incorrect type. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "waitFor",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "function",
                            "predicate": [
                                    "element": "root",
                                    "apply": "isPresent"
                            "value": true

Error message:

error 109: method "test" arguments: argument "true" has incorrect type, expected "literal string", found "Boolean"

Error Code 110

A selector has an unknown parameter type. See Selector Parameters.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "public": true,
            "selector": {
                "css": "str[%f]",
                "args": [
                        "name": "num",
                        "type": "number"

Error message:

error 110: element "test" selector arguments: unknown selector parameter type "%f", only string and number are supported

Error Code 111

An argument can only define either a "name" or "value" property. See Supported Argument Types. Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [{ "value": "true", "name": "name" }]

Error message:

error 111: method "test" arguments: either "name" or "value" is supported for an argument, not both

Error Code 112

An argument with a "name" property also requires a "type" property. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "name": "name"

Error message:

error 112: method "test" arguments: "type" is required for an argument "name"

Error Code 113

An argument must have either a "name" or "value" property. See Supported Argument Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "world",
                    "apply": "setText",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "string"

Error message:

error 113: method "test" arguments: either "name" or "value" is required for an argument

Error Code 114

A literal or function argument doesn't support a description property.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "waitFor",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "function",
                            "description": "redundant",
                            "predicate": [
                                    "element": "root"

Error message:

error 114: method "test" arguments: property "description" is not supported for literal or function argument

Error Code 115

An invalid basic element type is defined. See Basic Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "type": ["wrong"],
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"

Error message:

error 115: element "test" type: basic type "wrong" is not supported, valid values are: actionable, clickable, draggable, editable, touchable

Error Code 116

A duplicate basic type is defined.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "type": ["clickable", "clickable"],
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"

Error message:

error 116: element "test" type: duplicate basic type "clickable", basic type values must be unique

Error Code 200

An element is incorrectly formatted. See Basic Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "wrong": "test",
            "type": "container"

Error message:

error 200: root elements: incorrect format of elements

Error Code 201

An incorrect element type is defined. A custom type must contain alphanumeric characters only with the schema [package-name]/[custom/path]/pageObject.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "type": "wrong",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"

Error message:

error 201: element "test": type "wrong" is not supported, valid values are: custom, container, frame, actionable, clickable, draggable, editable, touchable

Error Code 202

A duplicate element with the same name is defined.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "dupElement",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
            "name": "dupElement",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"

Error message:

error 202: element "dupElement": element with same name was already declared

Error Code 204

A frame selector can't set a returnAll property to true.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css",
                "returnAll": true
            "type": "frame"

Error message:

error 204: element "test": frame selector cannot have "returnAll" set to true

Error Code 205

Only a basic element can have nested elements or a shadow root.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "one",
            "selector": {
                "css": ".one"
            "elements": [
                    "name": "nestedCustom",
                    "selector": {
                        "css": ".nestedCustom"
                    "type": "utam-test/pageObjects/test/componentType",
                    "public": true
            "shadow": {
                "elements": [
                        "name": "nestedInsideShadow",
                        "selector": {
                            "css": ".css"

Error message:

error 205: element "test": only basic element can have nested elements or shadow root

Error Code 206

The load property is not supported for elements with arguments or container type elements.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "test[%s]",
                "args": [
                        "name": "selectorArgs",
                        "type": "string"
            "load": true

Error message:

error 206: element "test": property "load" is not supported for element with arguments, filter or for container element

Error Code 300

An element filter is incorrectly defined. See Element Filter.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "selector %s",
                "returnAll": true,
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
            "filter": {
                "apply": "wrong",
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"

Error message:

error 300: element "test" filter: incorrect format of element filter

Error Code 301

An unknown action is defined for a basic element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "selector %s",
                "returnAll": true,
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
            "filter": {
                "apply": "wrong",
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "isTrue"

Error message:

error 301: element "test" filter: unknown action "wrong" for basic element

Error Code 302

A filter can only be set for a list element. See List and Index.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
            "filter": {
                "apply": "isVisible",
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "isTrue"

Error message:

error 302: element "test" filter: filter can only be set for list

Error Code 303

An unsupported action is defined for this element type. See Basic Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "type": "touchable",
            "selector": {
                "css": "selector %s",
                "returnAll": true,
                "args": [
                        "name": "arg1",
                        "type": "string"
            "filter": {
                "apply": "click",
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "isTrue"

Error message:

error 303: element "test" filter: unsupported action "click" for type "touchable"

Error Code 400

An interface is incorrectly defined. Declare an interface's API as an array of objects in the methods property. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "interface": true,
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "apply": "getText"

Error message:

error 400: method "test": incorrect format of abstract method

Error Code 401

Reserved for future use.

Error Code 402

A returnAll property can't be set in an interface without setting a returnType property. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "interface": true,
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "returnAll": true

Error message:

error 402: abstract method "test": "returnAll" property can't be set without setting return type

Error Code 403

An unsupported returnType property for an interface was defined. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "interface": true,
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "returnType": "container"

Error message:

error 403: abstract method "test": return type "container" is not supported

Error Code 500

The compose method is incorrectly formatted. See Compose Method.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "unsupportedProperty": "value",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root"

Error message:

error 500: method "test": incorrect format of compose method

Error Code 501

An argument at the method level can't have an argumentReference type. See Argument Reference.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "args": [
                    "name": "arg1",
                    "type": "argumentReference"
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "something"

Error message:

error 501: method "test" arguments: parameter "arg1" at method level can't have type "argumentReference"

Error Code 502

An argumentReference is used but there's no matching argument defined at the method level. See Argument Reference.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "something",
                    "args": [
                            "name": "arg1",
                            "type": "argumentReference"

Error message:

error 502: method "test": statement declares a reference to an "arg1" argument, but there is no matching argument at the method level

Error Code 503

A declared argument is never used.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "args": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "arg"
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "someMethod"

Error message:

error 503: method "test": declared parameter "arg" is never used

Error Code 504

A duplicate method name is declared. This can be fixed by renaming one of the methods.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "method1",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "someMethod1"
            "name": "method1",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "someMethod2"

Error message:

error 504: method "method1": method with the same name was already declared

Error Code 505

The name of a method will duplicate the name of a generated method.

In the example below, the compiler will generate a helper function for the test element named waitForTest. Because there is a declared method with the same name, an error is thrown. To fix this, rename the element or the method.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": "div"
            "wait": true,
            "public": true
    "methods": [
            "name": "waitForTest",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "test"

Error message:

error 505: method "waitForTest": the given method name would duplicate the name of a generated helper function for element "test"

Error Code 600

The compose statement is incorrectly formatted. See Compose Method.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "returnSelf",
                    "element": "document"

Error message:

error 600: method "test" statement: incorrect compose statement format

Error Code 601

A compose statement references an unknown element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "test"

Error message:

error 601: method "test" statement: unknown element with name "test" is referenced in a compose statement

Error Code 602

A compose statement is using an unsupported returnType property. See Method Return Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "returnType": "container"

Error message:

error 602: method "test" statement: return type "container" is not supported in a compose statement

Error Code 603

A compose statement with a returnAll property must also have a returnType property. See Compose Method.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "returnAll": true

Error message:

error 603: method "test" statement: "returnAll" property can't be set without setting return type in a compose statement

Error Code 605

The return type for element can't be inferred. Please add a returnType property.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "element",
            "type": "my/pageobject/foo",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "element"
                    "chain": true,
                    "element": "element"

Error message:

error 605: method "test" statement: can't infer return type for "element", please provide a "returnType"

Error Code 606

An element property is redundant because it's a chain statement. See Chain Compose Statements.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "element",
            "type": "my/custom/type",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "element"
                    "chain": true,
                    "element": "element",
                    "apply": "method"

Error message:

error 606: method "test" statement: "element" property is redundant because statement is marked as a chain

Error Code 607

Only a document or root element is allowed in a beforeLoad statement. See beforeLoad.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "beforeLoad": [
            "element": "test",
            "apply": "getAttribute"

Error message:

error 607: method "beforeLoad" statement: only "document" or "root" elements are allowed

Error Code 608

A "returnSelf" statement can only be invoked from the last statement. See returnSelf statement.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "returnSelf"
                    "apply": "someMethod"

Error message:

error 608: method "test" statement: "returnSelf" can only be invoked from the last statement

Error Code 609

A compose method must define either an element, apply, or applyExternal property. See Compose Method and Imperative Extensions.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [{}]

Error message:

error 609: method "test" statement: either "element" or "apply" or "applyExternal" should be defined

Error Code 610

A compose method can define either an apply or applyExternal property, but not both. See Compose Method and Imperative Extensions.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "apply": "getText",
                    "applyExternal": {}

Error message:

error 610: method "test" statement: either "apply" or "applyExternal" should be defined"

Error Code 611

A compose statement that uses an applyExternal property can't also use element or apply properties.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "applyExternal": {}

Error message:

error 611: method "test" utility statement: "element" property is redundant

Error Code 612

This method isn't supported for this basic element type. See Basic Actions.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "exposeRootElement": true,
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "click",
                    "element": "root"

Error message:

error 612: method "test" statement: unknown method "click" for basic element

Error Code 613

The compose statement has an unexpected returnType property. See Method Return Types.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "element",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
            "type": ["actionable"]
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "returnType": "string",
                    "element": "element"

Error message:

error 613: method "test" statement: incorrect return type; expected "ElementElement", provided is "String"

Error Code 614

Chains are supported only if the previous statement returns a custom type (another page object). See Chain Compose Statements.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "element",
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "element"
                    "chain": true,
                    "element": "element"

Error message:

error 614: method "test" statement: to use chain, previous statement should return custom type, but it returns "BasicElement"

Error Code 615

A nested waitFor statement isn't supported. See Explicit Waits.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "waitFor",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "function",
                            "predicate": [
                                    "apply": "waitFor",
                                    "args": [
                                            "type": "function",
                                            "predicate": [
                                                    "apply": "invoke"

Error message:

error 615: method "test" statement: nested waitFor is not supported

Error Code 616

The first statement in a compose method can't set chain to true. See Chain Compose Statements.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "chain": true

Error message:

error 616: method "test" statement: first statement can't be marked as chain

Error Code 617

This method isn't supported for this element type. See Basic Actions.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "type": ["editable"],
    "methods": [
            "name": "test",
            "compose": [
                    "apply": "click",
                    "element": "root"

Error message:

error 617: method "test" statement: unsupported action "click" for type "Editable"

Error Code 700

The description property is incorrectly formatted. See Page Object Description.

Incorrect JSON example:

            "name": "test",
            "description": true,
            "selector": {
                "css": "css"

Error message:

error 700: element "test" description: format of the description is incorrect

Error Code 800

The profile property is incorrectly formatted. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [{}],
    "implements": "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 800: profile format is incorrect

Error Code 801

The profile name is a duplicate. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "name": "value"
            "name": "value"
    "implements": "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 801: "profile": duplicate profile name "name"

Error Code 802

The profile has a duplicate value. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            ["same", "same"]
    "implements", "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 802: profile "name": duplicate profile value "same"

Error Code 803

The profile isn't configured. Make sure that the profile is in the compiler configuration file. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "name": "error"
    "implements": "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 803: profile { "name": "error" } is not configured, make sure it's in compiler config

Error Code 804

A profile with this name isn't configured. Make sure that the profile is in the compiler configuration file. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "name1": "value1"
    "implements": "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 804: profile with name "name1" is not configured, make sure it's in compiler config

Error Code 805

A profile can only be set for a page object that also sets the implements property. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "profile": "test"

Error message:

error 805: "profile" can only be set for a page object that implements an interface

Error Code 806

A profile value can either be a string or a non-empty string array. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "profile": [
            "name": {}
    "implements": "my/pageobjects/type"

Error message:

error 806: profile "name": values can either be string or non-empty string array

Error Code 900

The page object is incorrectly formatted.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "error": true

Error message:

error 900: incorrect format of the page object. Unrecognized field "error".

Error Code 901

A non-root page object can't have a selector property. Either remove the selector property or add "root": true. See Root Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "selector": {
        "css": "rootSelector"

Error message:

error 901: non-root page object can't have selector

Error Code 902

A root page object requires a selector property. Either add a selector property or remove "root": true. See Root Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "root": true

Error message:

error 902: root page object requires "selector" property

Error Code 903

The platform property value must be either web or native. See Interfaces.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "platform": "wibblywobblywonder"

Error message:

error 903: "platform" property: platform should be a string with "web" or "native" value, instead found "wibblywobblywonder"

Error Code 904

The beforeLoad property can't have arguments. See beforeLoad.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "beforeLoad": [
            "element": "root",
            "apply": "getAttribute",
            "args": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "str"

Error message:

error 904: method "beforeLoad" cannot have parameters

Error Code 905

The the root description property is incorrectly formatted. See Page Object Description.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "description": true

Error message:

error 905: format of the root description is incorrect

Error Code 1000

The selector property is incorrectly formatted. See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": "selector"

Error message:

error 1000: element "test": format of selector is incorrect

Error Code 1002

The selector must contain css, accessid, uiautomator, or classchain properties. See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "root": true,
    "selector": {}

Error message:

error 1002: element "root" selector: one of "css", "accessid", "uiautomator" or "classchain" should be set"

Error Code 1003

The root selector can only be one of "css", "accessid", "uiautomator", or "classchain". See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "root": true,
    "selector": {
        "css": "css",
        "accessid": "accessid"

Error message:

error 1003: element "root" selector: only one of "css", "accessid", "uiautomator" or "classchain" can be set

Error Code 1004

The selector is using an invalid UiSelector method. See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "uiautomator": "new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().unsupported())"

Error message:

error 1004: element "test" selector: unsupported UiSelector method "unsupported", supported methods are checkable, checked, classname, description, descriptioncontains, descriptionstartswith, enabled, selected, resourceid, resourceidmatches

Error Code 1005

The classchain property in the selector is using unsupported quotes. See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "selector": {
        "classchain": "**/XCUIElementTypeStaticText[\"label == 'something'\"]"
    "root": true

Error message:

error 1005: element "root" selector "label == 'something'": for class chain only one of supported quotes can be set, supported are $,`

Error Code 1006

The classchain property in the selector can set only one of the supported operators. See Element Selector.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "classchain": "**/XCUIElementTypeStaticText[`label=='something'`]"

Error message:

error 1006: element "test" selector "`label=='something'`": for class chain only one of supported operators can be set, supported are ==,BEGINSWITH,ENDSWITH,CONTAINS,OR,AND

Error Code 1100

The elements property inside shadow is incorrectly formatted. See Root Element.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "shadow": {
        "elements": [{}]

Error message:

error 1100: root shadow: incorrect format of elements inside shadow

Error Code 1200

The matcher property is incorrectly formatted. See Matchers.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "name": "test",
    "selector": {
        "css": ".css",
        "returnAll": true
    "filter": {
        "apply": "getText",
        "matcher": {
            "typemisprinted": "stringEquals"

Error message:

error 1200: element "test" filter: incorrect format of matcher

Error Code 1201

The filter matcher type isn't supported. See Matchers.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "elements": [
            "name": "test",
            "selector": {
                "css": ".helloworld",
                "returnAll": true
            "type": "vanilla-js/pageObjects/counter",
            "filter": {
                "apply": "getText",
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "invalid"

Error message:

error 1201: element "test" filter matcher: unsupported matcher type "invalid", supported are isTrue, isFalse, notNull, stringContains, stringEquals

Error Code 1202

The apply method returns a type that's incompatible with the matcher. See Matchers.

Incorrect JSON example:

    "methods": [
            "name": "matcherThrows",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "root",
                    "apply": "getText",
                    "matcher": {
                        "type": "isTrue"

Error message:

error 1202: method "matcherThrows" statement matcher: applied method returns type "String", which is only compatible with the following matchers - stringContains, stringEquals, notNull